The Jenoviad Entry #70
June 11th, 2010 by Wordsman
“Oh, the war,” said Tifa
“Yes, that’s what I thought, at first
Then I heard about the lab
And came to fear the worst
“One day a man came to our house
He said he was a Turk
He had the air of someone
Who does most unsav’ry work
“He said she was an Ancient
Said she had a higher call
Aeris—oh, God bless her!
Wanted none of it at all
“But that man Tseng would not give up
Said he’d be back some day”
The mom, she took a swig, and said
“I guess that was today”
Tifa tapped Cloud discreetly
They would leave her to her grief
They snuck up to see Barret
A man filled with relief
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