This Day in History Entry #199

November 28th, 2012 by Wordsman

Talk about an astonishing pace!
Seven miles per hour–first place!
Fifty miles to run
In eight hours it won
My, that motorized wagon could race!

Event: The Chicago-Times Herald race, considered the first American automobile race
Year: 1895
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This Day in History Entry #198

November 21st, 2012 by Wordsman

“See, controlling a man’s speech and prayer
Can’t you tell that it’s really not fair?”
“Oh, my world, she is rocked!”
Sacré bleu! I am shocked!”
“Now you know why they call me Voltaire”

Event: Birth of François-Marie Arouet (better known as Voltaire)
Year: 1694
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This Day in History Entry #197

November 14th, 2012 by Wordsman

Now the captain had started to flip
Hearing of this unorthodox trip
“I don’t sail on your plane!
I don’t bike on your train!
Why on earth would you fly off my ship?”

Event: Eugene Ely performs the first successful takeoff from a ship
Year: 1910
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This Day in History Entry #196

November 7th, 2012 by Wordsman

In the wind, she would flutter a ton
Some may even have thought it looked fun
But poor Galloping Gertie
Never made it to thirty
Nor twenty, nor fifteen, nor one

Event: The first Tacoma Narrows Bridge (nicknamed Galloping Gertie) collapses
Year: 1940
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