This Day in History Entry #316

February 25th, 2015 by Wordsman

Never known for adapting real fast
U.S. Steel redefined the word “vast”
And at time of formation
‘Twas The Corporation
Though that day has now long since passed

Event: U.S. Steel, the world’s first billion-dollar corporation, is incorporated
Year: 1901
Learn more: U.S. Steel

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This Day in History Entry #315

February 18th, 2015 by Wordsman

Gettin’ civilized’s never much fun
Not compared to a river raft run
Huck ‘n’ Jim out did slip
To the mighty Miss’ssip
Quite the tale their adventures have spun

Event: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is first published in the United States (after previously having been published in Canada and the United Kingdom)
Year: 1885
Learn more: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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This Day in History Entry #314

February 11th, 2015 by Wordsman

VE II had the city obtained
But the tough Roman Question remained
‘Til they carved out a home
Near the center of Rome
And a Vatican City ordained

Event: The Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See sign the Lateran Treaty, establishing Vatican City as an independent city-state
Year: 1929
Learn more: Lateran Treaty
Roman Question

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This Day in History Entry #313

February 4th, 2015 by Wordsman

“Just a fad”? We can no more pretend
Now it’s redefined “like,” “poke,” and “friend”
From an Ivy League club
To the Net’s social hub
Past a billion, where will it hence wend?

Event: Facebook is founded
Year: 2004
Learn more: Facebook
The Social Network

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