Know Your Picture Characters Entry #66

August 15th, 2011 by Wordsman

A. 運動選手 B. 警備官 C. 神父 D. 天使 E. 船乗り F. ペテン師

Ah, poor Theoman.  He blundered into an age-old trap: assuming that katakana are your friends.  Yes, most of the time, these angular characters are simply a funny way of writing English words, but every once in a while you stumble across one of more arcane origins.  Case in point: even I don’t know what the peten in F’s petenshi means, but I doubt it’s “pattern.”  This tricksiness seems entirely appropriate for F, the ever-capricious Brook–I mean, Los Angeles Dodgers.

Shirley struggled a bit against the Central Division last week, and apparently she doesn’t follow the West, so she probably had a lot of difficulty this time around.  Let’s see . . . first guess, wrong (though she can perhaps take comfort in having made the same mistake as the contestant who actually knows some Japanese); second guess, wrong; third guess, wrong; fourth guess . . . correct?  Yes, C is the San Diego Padres (literally “god father(s)”).  Okay, so she got one, but anybody can get one.  I bet she missed on her next . . . nope, D is The The Angels Angels of Anaheim.  Alright, alright, but these streaks usually die out eventually . . . or not.  Shirley finished strong this week, matching all her final three guesses, for E is the Seattle Mariners.  I guess she knows the West better than she thought.

A Fan’s slate wasn’t quite as impressive, although he did correctly identified those pesky Dodgers, the one that threw both of his fellow competitors.  Our unguessed teams this week were A, the Oakland Athletics, and B, the Texas Rangers.

Okay, Eastern division: Blue Jays, Orioles, Rays, Red Sox, Yankees (AL), Braves, Marlins, Mets, Nationals, Phillies (NL).  You know the drill.

A. 青懸巣 B. 鰭条 C. 高麗鶯 D. 国民 E. 真旗魚 F. 勇士

Posted in Know Your Picture Characters | 6 Comments »

6 Responses

  1. TheomanZero Says:

    F puzzles me somewhat . . . I recognize the second character as “earth”, but none of the teams seem to obviously correspond to that. The one that makes the most sense to me is “Braves”. (Oh, and A is “Red Sox” and D is “Nationals” for boring reasons.)

  2. Shirley Says:

    Since I know even less about the Eastern Division than the Western, it stands to reason that I would do even better this week. But all these words seem to be sort of alike except D and F. and the only teams in this division that I know much of anything about are the Yankees and the Red Sox. Maybe I’d better start with these.

    D. I don’t like the Yankees and I think D. is somehow disturbing, so in spite of what looks sort of like a broken R for the second letter, that’s my call. I guess the Yanks would like nothing better than to break the Red Sox right now, so that makes sense. Sort of.

    F. The Sox are giving their hated rivals a run for their filthy money right now and the first kanji is running for all its worth. Go Red Sox.

    A. Nationals. The middle kanji seems to be broken. Many say the same about our our national congress.

    B. Short word. Mets is a short name.

    C. Nice kanjis. I’m not sure why, but I like the Phillies. Enough to base a guess on.

    E. Are the Blue Jays still in Toronto? Those knaji look cold.
    It’s cold up there in the winter.

  3. A Fan Says:

    I know this is probably too late, but the answers are posted yet, so at least I’m not cheating:

    A. I hate the Yankees, although I liked them up through 2001.

    B. I hate the Phillies, because they are trying to become the NL’s Yankees.

    C. I’m still irrationally fond of the Red Sox, but they are dangerously close to becoming the Yankees.

    D. The Mets??!!?? I’ve ALWAYS hated the Mets.


  4. A Fan Says:

    I know this is probably too late, but the answers are posted yet, so at least I’m not cheating:

    A. I hate the Yankees, although I liked them up through 2001.

    B. I hate the Phillies, because they are trying to become the NL’s Yankees.

    C. I’m still irrationally fond of the Red Sox, but they are dangerously close to becoming the Yankees.

    D. The Mets??!!?? I’ve ALWAYS hated the Mets.


  5. A Fan Says:

    I know this is probably too late, but the answers are posted yet, so at least I’m not cheating:

    A. I hate the Yankees, although I liked them up through 2001.

    B. I hate the Phillies, because they are trying to become the NL’s Yankees.

    C. I’m still irrationally fond of the Red Sox, but they are dangerously close to becoming the Yankees.

    D. The Mets??!!?? I’ve ALWAYS hated the Mets.


  6. A Fan Says:

    This thing always boots me out before I’m done:

    E. I hate the Rays for getting rid of “Devil” in their name. “Rays” is a stupid name, and they now (since the Metrodome closed and maybe even before then) have the worst stadium in baseball. And the worst nickname for it, the “Trop.” “The Trop” is “de trop.”

    (Come on–that was pretty good, wasn’t it?)

    F. I actually liked the great Baltimore teams of 1969-71, even thoguh they blew 2 out of 3 World Series.

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