The Jenoviad Entry #88
At Rufus’ side, a black feline
“You’re fighting with your cat?”
The cat, Dark Nation, cast a shield
“What do you think of that?”
“First, it’s totally unfair
‘Cuz shields are really lame
Secondly, is ‘Dark Nation’
Something you’d a cat name?”
Now Rufus, he was a crack shot
Dark Nation slashed and roared
But neither one could stand up
To the mighty Buster Sword
The shield did break. Cloud raised his blade
“The Shinra line ends here!”
But then the chopper swooped down low
And he cowered in fear
Rufus hopped back on his ride
“My reign ends not today
Nor will I allow you to
All my great plans delay”
Cloud declared, “We’ll get you yet!
You better say your prayers!”
“Worry for your friends instead
They should’ve took the stairs . . .”
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