The Jenoviad Entry #3
Cloud was a former SOLDIER
The elite of Shinra’s horde
But the coolest thing about him
Was his giant frickin’ sword
No longer Shinra’s man was he
Cloud played the mercenary
But old allegiances die hard
And Barret was quite wary
“Stick with me,” the big man said
Steered Cloud toward elevator
“And if you try to mess this up
I’ll make you sorry later”
But Cloud did not plan to stab backs
So he ignored the taunt
“Hey, as long as I get paid
I’ll bomb anything you want”
At last they reached the bottom
Shinra soon would know the score
‘Twas but a little ways to go
To the reactor’s core
The atmosphere soon darkened
Things would now be turning grave
They knew for sure when their eyes spied
The glowing point of save
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