Know Your Picture Characters Entry #80

November 21st, 2011 by Wordsman

A. 芸 B. 英 C. 落 D. 葉

E. 芋 F. 苦 G. 芥 H. 若

Finally, Theoman has solved the age-old question: “What is a potato?”  Answer: it’s a rock with grass on it.  I salute him for this ground-breaking philosophical achievement, though I would recommend that my other readers stay away from his “potato soup” in the future, especially if you don’t have dental insurance.  But H, in fact, is not a potato: in failing to recognize that the bottom portion of H is not “rock” but “right” (as opposed to “left”), Theoman made one of the classic blunders of youth.  Pain (F) apparently reminds him of England, and Art (A) is trashy.  He believes that to fall (C) is to suffer, but his suffering was not total: in the end, on one of his throwaway answers, he correctly picked D as “leaf.”

A(nother) Fan’s response makes a little more sense grammatically when one remembers that the way the issue was phrased in the episode was actually whether or not it is common maritime practice for a ship to have a crew.  His potato, sadly, has rolled off the quarterdeck of A and landed in E, the bilge.  Probably not very appetizing, but then again, when you’re at sea, what other choice do you have?  Better than a rock with grass on top, at least.

Shirley looks to lead the kanji in uprising against their tyrannical oppressors, though she might want to finish learning their names first.  But what sort of radical revolution is she fomenting?  Well, she thinks art (A) is feckless, and she doesn’t seem to care much for England (B), which she called trash.  She wants the government to fall (C) because it is responsible for the people’s suffering.  And she called F (suffering) a fall, so perhaps they are one and the same?  Sounds rather Marxist to me.  And she thinks trash (G) is art.  So, in conclusion . . . well, I don’t really know what this movement is up to, but I would advise locking your doors and windows in the near future.

Man, all that talk about potato/rock soup made me hungry.  Let’s see what else we can make out of rocks.  We can make: jealousy, grinding/polishing, the beach, smashing/crushing, a cannon, an anchor (looks like we’re also following Another Fan’s nautical theme), a magnet, or the game of Go.  Hmm.  Sounds like a violent bunch.  Be careful.

A. 碇 B. 磯 C. 砲 D. 碁

E. 磨 F. 妬 G. 砂 H. 砕

Posted in Know Your Picture Characters | 3 Comments »

3 Responses

  1. TheomanZero Says:

    A. is “grinding” because it looks like a mortar and pestle.
    B. is “Go” because it contains a grid pattern.
    C. is “cannon” because it has a lump encased in a tube.
    D. is “magnet” because the rock radical is being lifted.
    E. is “crushing” because it’s full of little fragments.
    F. is “jealousy” for reasons that are not politically correct.
    G. is “anchor” because it looks like one.
    H. is “beach” because it’s sporting an hourglass figure.

  2. A Fan Says:

    “Rock Soup”?

    You’re thinking of “Stone Soup,” which Captain Kangaroo used to read to us little kids in the 1960’s. See, these soldiers come through town and say they are going to make Stone Soup for the whole town, but wouldn’t it taste a little better, with some carrots, onions, etc.

    A nice little parable about something or other.

    I think that B. must be Captain Kangaroo, F. is Mr. Green Jeans, C. is Bunny Rabbit, and H. is Mr. Moose.

    Great pre-Sesame Street entertainment for the kiddies.

  3. Shirley Says:

    A. The cannon. Those little things on the top look like they are being shot out of the somewhat less little things underneath. Cannon shoot things.

    B. The beach. There are itty bitty stones (called sand scattered around on the beach.

    C. Jealousy is an ugly , but all too human emotion. It can result in twisted personalities. See those twisted humans in the kanji? Children, listen to your wise old elder. Don’t let this happen to you.

    D. The magnet, which attracts things,is D., the most pleasant looking of the kanji.

    E.Stones appear on a game board. (Go is played with stones, isn’t it? and a board?)

    F. The anchor is stuck under some big stone on the floor of a shallow sea. Perhaps it’s still on the continental shelf.

    G. Grinding and polishing is more refined and requires a more delicate technique than———————-

    H. Smashing /crushing.

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