Know Your Picture Characters Entry #64
A. 大いなる遺産 B. 虚栄の市 C. 荒涼館 D. ジェーン・エア
E. 宝島 F. 不思議の国のアリス
One reader described this week’s answers as “the best response ever.” It’s certainly the longest response ever, and as we all know after taking the previous week’s quiz on Harry Potter books, the longest one is always the best . . . right?
Theoman tried his hand at guessing every single one of them, but unfortunately he got them all correct, so there’s not much funny to say about that. I’m sure his grandmother will be proud that he apparently knows more about Victorian novels than he does about the works of Rowling.
This week’s responses included a fair amount of pro-Trollope outrage, which I have to say was not entirely unexpected. I did finally figure out how his name is pronounced in Japanese–Tororoppu–but I still don’t even know if any of his works have been translated into Japanese, so I don’t know what any of their titles would be. A Fan’s suggestion of Kanshu for The Warden seems as good as any to me, provided he means the kind of warden that runs a prison.
A Fan clearly believes that turnabout is fair play; he likes to give answers where I have to try to figure out what he means in response to the challenge, where he is supposed to figure out what I mean. I’ll take a crack at it. I was made to read two of these in high school, but based on a later response I’m going to guess that he means Great Expectations, which is correct for A. The one that’s fun to read as a kid could only be Treasure Island, which is not B. As far as I know, Bleak House has never been made into a Disney movie, so his next guess probably refers to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (or, in Japanese, “Alice in/of the Mysterious Land”), which is also incorrect. I had to look up Vilette to learn that it was written by one of those Brontes, as was Jane Eyre, which he correctly identified as D (so far he’s 2-for-2 on books I had to read in high school). The most overrated one on the list must be Vanity Fair, which makes A Fan so mad that he can’t even spot it properly. This leaves us with Bleak House, which was not correctly identified, but we would still like to thank A Fan for copy-pasting roughly two-thirds of the book along with his answers.
A quiz on Victorian literature was Shirley’s suggestion in the first place, so I suppose she has a right to make comments about who should have been included, but isn’t Jane Austen really more Georgian than Victorian? This isn’t exactly my field of expertise. Perhaps blinded by rage at the exclusion of authors like Eliot and Trollope, she did not do as well as A Fan, but she did manage to find Treasure Island, and if you’re going to hunt for something, wouldn’t you much rather find an island full of treasure than, say, a dismal house? Discuss.
So, you like Victorian novels? I like . . . baseball. This week we are having the KYPC Baseball Team Identification Challenge: Central Division. Since there is no designated hitter in KYPC, teams could come from either the American League (Indians, Royals, Tigers, Twins, White Sox) or the National League (Astros, Brewers, Cardinals, Cubs, Pirates, Reds).
A. 王族 B. 白足袋 C. 醸造者 D. 虎 E. 双子 F. 幼獣
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