March 31st, 2010 by Wordsman
This week’s puzzle:
A man who is famous but not rich has spent his entire life surrounded by people who tell him what he can’t do. He is nearly killed while doing something he hasn’t attempted since he was a child, and afterward he decides that a normal life is probably best, after all.
Last week’s puzzle:
A man stands up for what he believes in and loses everything, only to discover that he was wrong. A professional who doesn’t believe in charity runs off with something he worked hard to get and is hotly pursued, but later, when he walks off with something that doesn’t really belong to him, no one tries to stop him.
And the answer is . . . ▼
Reservoir Dogs
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March 24th, 2010 by Wordsman
This week’s puzzle:
A man stands up for what he believes in and loses everything, only to discover that he was wrong. A professional who doesn’t believe in charity runs off with something he worked hard to get and is hotly pursued, but later, when he walks off with something that doesn’t really belong to him, no one tries to stop him.
Last week’s puzzle:
An under-appreciated genius leaves town on a journey to prove himself, but he runs into trouble with some animals. His daughter goes off to save him, then he goes off to save her, then she goes off to save him again, and then they are both saved by a cup.
And the answer is . . . ▼
Beauty and the Beast
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March 17th, 2010 by Wordsman
This week’s puzzle:
An under-appreciated genius leaves town on a journey to prove himself, but he runs into trouble with some animals. His daughter goes off to save him, then he goes off to save her, then she goes off to save him again, and then they are both saved by a cup.
Last week’s puzzle:
Two men try and fail to break up a holiday gathering at their workplace, and then they get in trouble with their boss for working to finish a matter that was supposed to have been taken care of already. A fugitive known only by a fake name helps solve a mystery without lifting a finger.
And the answer is . . . ▼
L.A. Confidential
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March 10th, 2010 by Wordsman
And this week the Wandering Wordsman subtly criticizes the Academy Awards by offering a puzzle about a movie that should have won Best Picture but didn’t:
Two men try and fail to break up a holiday gathering at their workplace, and then they get in trouble with their boss for working to finish a matter that was supposed to have been taken care of already. A fugitive known only by a fake name helps solve a mystery without lifting a finger.
Last week’s puzzle:
A former singer deals in fashion and misinformation until leaving town to take care of some unfinished business. A man who works in the communications industry is arrested for acquiring valuable information, but then a man who once stole his most treasured possession gives him the greatest gift of his life.
And the answer is . . . ▼
Slumdog Millionaire
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March 3rd, 2010 by Wordsman
Continuing the tradition from last year, this week the Wandering Wordsman honors the Academy Awards by offering a puzzle for a Best Picture winner:
A former singer deals in fashion and misinformation until leaving town to take care of some unfinished business. A man who works in the communications industry is arrested for acquiring valuable information, but then a man who once stole his most treasured possession gives him the greatest gift of his life.
Last week’s puzzle:
A former employee of an insurance firm gets into trouble because he can’t let go of his old job. A trip to the tropics improves his mood but leaves him with some big problems to deal with when he gets home.
And the answer is . . . ▼
The Incredibles
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February 24th, 2010 by Wordsman
This week’s puzzle:
A former employee of an insurance firm gets into trouble because he can’t let go of his old job. A trip to the tropics improves his mood but leaves him with some big problems to deal with when he gets home.
Last week’s puzzle:
A rich man about to be married is distressed when he learns about another wedding, and he is even more upset when a divorced man comes to his engagement party. Two days later he sees his fiancée with another man, so he rounds up eight women he’s never met before and takes them out of the country with him.
And the answer is . . . ▼
Catch Me If You Can
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February 17th, 2010 by Wordsman
This week’s puzzle:
A rich man about to be married is distressed when he learns about another wedding, and he is even more upset when a divorced man comes to his engagement party. Two days later he sees his fiancée with another man, so he rounds up eight women he’s never met before and takes them out of the country with him.
Last week’s puzzle:
Two entertainers go on a journey and find themselves under attack by people who want to kill them to prevent them from talking. When a group of their fans go to see them at a show, the situation rapidly gets out of hand, but one person’s sacrifice allows them to get away alive.
And the answer is . . . ▼
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Posted in Movie Two-Liners |
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February 10th, 2010 by Wordsman
This week’s puzzle:
Two entertainers go on a journey and find themselves under attack by people who want to kill them to prevent them from talking. When a group of their fans go to see them at a show, the situation rapidly gets out of hand, but one person’s sacrifice allows them to get away alive.
Last week’s puzzle:
A merchant who sets himself apart from others by telling the truth loses a bet because of an amateur artisan’s fortitude. After realizing that vocabulary issues have been holding him back, he writes his name, reads a letter, crosses a line, and goes to the beach.
And the answer is . . . ▼
The Shawshank Redemption
Last week’s bonus puzzle:
A man requests help from someone he would not normally ask and has the police called to arrest him. He does it a second time and gets punched in the face. When he does it a third time, he gets back something he lost because of the second time he asked.
And the answer is . . . ▼
It’s a Wonderful Life
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February 3rd, 2010 by Wordsman
This week’s puzzle:
A merchant who sets himself apart from others by telling the truth loses a bet because of an amateur artisan’s fortitude. After realizing that vocabulary issues have been holding him back, he writes his name, reads a letter, crosses a line, and goes to the beach.
Puzzle from two weeks ago:
A gamer tries to help a friend deal with disappointments in his career, emotional troubles, and a boss who doesn’t care if he lives or dies. When he grows concerned that he might lose his friend, he tries to secure the relationship by making an important delivery, but in the end it only gets in the way.
And the answer is . . . ▼
Tropic Thunder
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February 2nd, 2010 by Wordsman
Because of last week’s outage, I have decided to present, as a special treat, a Movie Three-Liner in addition to the usual movie puzzle for this week. The spirit of the puzzle is the same; this one simply happens to consist of three sentences instead of two:
A man requests help from someone he would not normally ask and has the police called to arrest him. He does it a second time and gets punched in the face. When he does it a third time, he gets back something he lost because of the second time he asked.
Posted in Movie Two-Liners |
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