Movie Two-Liners Entry #3
February 25th, 2009 by Wordsman
And now, still in honor of last weekend’s Oscar ceremony, this week’s puzzle will be about a film that should have won Best Picture but didn’t:
Two friends interrupt a discussion of international cuisine and the difficulties of platonic heterosexual relationships to talk a little religion. Then they change clothes, wash their car, eat breakfast, and shortly afterward part ways forever.
Last week’s puzzle:
An ancient kingdom goes to war with its natural resource-poor neighbor over a dispute over some uninhabited land. The kingdom’s assault force makes it to the other nation’s border, but its advance comes to a halt as two secret agents sabotage the most powerful weapon they had.
Posted in Movie Two-Liners | 1 Comment »
February 25th, 2009 at 9:05 am
“Because of the metric system?”
“Check out the big brain on Bret!”