March 6th, 2009 by Wordsman
“Set the bomb!” said Barret
“AVALANCHE will soon rejoice!”
And Cloud ignored the warning
Of a mysterious voice
The sirens blared, the red lights flashed
Guards, the ex-SOLDIER thought
He ne’er would have expected
A huge scorpion robot
“The hell is that?” cried Barret
As he readied his arm gun
“The boss,” said Cloud, his eyes a-roll
“You thought that we were done?”
Rapidly, the scorpion struck
With rifle and with tail
Cloud swung sword and Barret hit
With bullets, quite a hail
Suddenly the tail went up
And Cloud told Barret “Wait
If you shoot at it right now
You’ll surely seal our fate”
But Barret still did not trust Cloud
“I been in fights befo’”
And after they got blasted
Cloud just said, “I told you so”
The two bombers rose up again
They’d e’er refuse to waver
Said Barret, “I’m the Big Shot here”
But Cloud, he proved the Braver
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February 27th, 2009 by Wordsman
Cloud was a former SOLDIER
The elite of Shinra’s horde
But the coolest thing about him
Was his giant frickin’ sword
No longer Shinra’s man was he
Cloud played the mercenary
But old allegiances die hard
And Barret was quite wary
“Stick with me,” the big man said
Steered Cloud toward elevator
“And if you try to mess this up
I’ll make you sorry later”
But Cloud did not plan to stab backs
So he ignored the taunt
“Hey, as long as I get paid
I’ll bomb anything you want”
At last they reached the bottom
Shinra soon would know the score
‘Twas but a little ways to go
To the reactor’s core
The atmosphere soon darkened
Things would now be turning grave
They knew for sure when their eyes spied
The glowing point of save
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February 20th, 2009 by Wordsman
“Help! Oh, help! We’re und’r attack!”
The guards prepared to shout
And they surely would have said it
‘Cept they then all got knocked out
AVALANCHE descended quickly
For time it was a factor
They had to hurry to destroy
The Sector One Reactor
Shock and awe was this group’s game
They wanted all to know
That they would do whate’er it took
To bring down Shinra Co.
A noble cause these bombers had
Unlike some folks might say
Shinra’s Mako reactors
Sucked the planet’s life away
A tiny group was AVALANCHE
The count to five it ran:
Barret, Jessie, Wedge and Biggs
A spiky-haired young man
The blond man was a newcomer
With face not fierce or proud
He looked at them with blue-green eyes
And said his name was Cloud
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February 13th, 2009 by Wordsman
Air fills with gentle music
Sky fills with twinkling stars
This is not a tale you’ll hear
In schools, bookstores, or bars
The telling may take quite some time
So sit down, grab a beer
Though our story starts quite brightly
It will grow darker from here
Our story tells of loss
Both to come and come before
At times it is quite tragic
‘Tis the story of a war
No ordinary war is this
To win’s no piece of cake
Monstrous evil looms o’er all
And the planet is at stake
But do not fear, do not despair
Cling e’er to strands of hope
Our story has a hero
Though he sometimes is a dope
At saga’s start our hero
Has arrived in a great city
Of smokestacks, towers, metal plates
It is not very pretty
And now the music fades
Gives way to noise much more profane
For like many classic stories
This one starts upon a train
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