October 2nd, 2009 by Wordsman
The buttons dinged, the door flew ope’
Freeing them from their cell
Of that event the three agreed
To never, ever tell
Back outside Cloud yelled with glee
“Man, that sure was a snap!”
To us, of course, it’s obvious
They walked into a trap
Moments later Shinra’s guards
The walkways all did cross
Barret groaned. “That’s what we get
For tryin’ to skip the boss”
A helicopter swooped right down
Inside it was no copper
A fat old man in a red suit
Walked slowly from the chopper
“Who are you?” the big guy asked
“I’m warning you, old man”
Raising his gun, he declared
“You won’t mess up our plan
“You don’t want to fight us
Hell, you look like someone’s dad
I killed a giant scorpion
And . . . these two ain’t that bad”
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September 25th, 2009 by Wordsman
BLIP BLIP BLIP. The buttons beeped
A great cacophony
The fact the door remain’ed shut
Was plain for all to see
“What was that?” yelled Tifa
“Why’d you hit your buttons then?
Never mind, we’ll try once more”
But they just failed again
“Cloud! Why swing your arm like that?
You doing magic tricks?”
“I can’t help it!” snarled Cloud
“This stupid button sticks!”
“God!” said Tifa. “Never thought
That this would take so long”
“Not my fault!” Barret complained
“You must be counting wrong”
“Should I add more numbers?”
“No!” said Cloud. “Just stick with three
You know that bomb we planted?
Where’s your sense of urgency?”
“All right!” she said through gritted teeth
“We’ll give this one last try
But if you screw it up again
So help me, I might cry”
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September 18th, 2009 by Wordsman
Barret crowed, “This will make sure
That our poor planet lives”
Cloud looked at it, puzzled
“What, no timer? Hey, what gives?”
“No time for that!” the big man cried
“Let’s quick get out of here
I don’t see any robots
So I think we’re in the clear”
Quickly now they ran back up
They had no need to stay
At the top they came to find
A shut door blocked their way
“Man, that sucks,” complain’ed Cloud
Barret began to swear
“Calm down, guys,” said Tifa
“Push those buttons over there”
“That’s it?” said Cloud. “Security
Seems really poorly done”
“Not so fast. They must be hit
In perfect unison”
“Still not bad,” Barret reasoned
Said Tifa, “I agree
We’ll go upon my signal
Are you ready? One . . . two . . . three!”
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September 11th, 2009 by Wordsman
Cloud was in an old reactor
Filled with an eerie green light
He looked around, thought to himself
“What did I eat last night?”
On the ground a corpse, a sword
A good sword; no, the best
Next to them knelt Tifa
She was . . . like a cowgirl dressed?
“Dad! Oh, Dad!” the young girl cried
Cloud felt an awkward tic
“Great,” he thought. “Just what I need
Another crying chick”
Suddenly she seized the sword
Roared like one’d in a brawl
“Mako! Shinra! SOLDIER!
Sephiroth! I hate them all!”
The dream abruptly ended there
‘Twas quite the cliffhanger
Tifa elbowed Barret
“Look. He’s starting now to stir”
Tifa held up hand, told Cloud
“Count the fingers you see”
Cloud, grinning, inquired
“You were worried about me?”
“Worried? Ha!” the big man scoffed
“You think that I’m your mom?
Now come on, don’t waste no more time
Just go and set the bomb”
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September 4th, 2009 by Wordsman
“This is all my fault!” Jess sobbed
“I caused all that train fuss
A change I made to Cloud’s ID’s
What set them on to us”
Cloud sighed, let Tifa console
Barret stifled a groan
All of them were thinking:
“Oh right. Jess. We should have known”
“Sorry,” Jess choked. “This mission
I did not want to blow
See, I—” but Cloud stopped her
“No thanks. I don’t want to know”
Soon they tracked down Wedge and Biggs
Said, “We’ll leave Jess to you”
Maybe not the best choice?
They had better things to do
That problem taken care of
They promptly resumed their route
But when they fin’lly reached the core
Cloud started freaking out
As Cloud fainted, Barret asked
“Man, what’s wrong with this guy?
Is he sick or something?”
Tifa said, “Wish I knew why”
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August 28th, 2009 by Wordsman
Through the shaft the party squirmed
Twisted torso and limb
Cloud wished instead of Barret
He’d Tifa in front of him
Eventu’lly the three escaped
They stretched and looked around
They were in the Fifth Reactor
And already underground
“Cutting the frontal assault
Makes this more eas’ly done”
Cloud and Barret both complained
“Sure, take out all the fun!”
Yes, their job was simpler
But not quite a cakewalk
There were still a few lame guards
Whom out they had to knock
On a catwalk Cloud saw Jess
Her face was streaked with tear
“Oh,” he said, quite callously
“Uh, why are you still here?”
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August 21st, 2009 by Wordsman
A minute later Cloud came to
The train was now long gone
Barret groaned. “You still out cold?
Get up! Time to move on”
“How’re you doing?” Tifa asked
“Your head looks pretty lumped”
Cloud stood up, moaned, brushed himself
“If someone asks, I jumped”
“Reactor’s this way,” Barret claimed
He quickly took the reins
Cloud was busy looking out
For any other trains
They traveled down the dark, damp path
And many tracks they crossed
Until Barret admitted
“Uhh . . . I think we might be lost
“These bars ain’t s’posed to be here!
Now we can’t get to our goal!”
“Well,” said Cloud, “down here I see
A service access hole”
“No way!” said Barret. “I can’t fit
Into that tiny rut!”
But he could see no other way
So he sucked in his gut
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August 14th, 2009 by Wordsman
On and on they ran and pushed
Their freedom to prolong
Barret started panting
“Who made . . . this damn train . . . so long?”
It would not end; they felt like they’d
Run for a thousand yards
Just when they thought it was done
They ran into the guards
“Wait! Don’t shoot!” cried Jessie’s voice
“I know this must seem strange”
“Strange?” said Cloud. “Just how the hell
Did you find time to change?”
“Questions later!” Barret yelled
“I don’t care ‘bout the how
We are all completely dead
If we don’t jump off now!”
“Y-you go first,” suggested Cloud
Who did not like this trend
“I’m the leader,” Barret said
“I stay until the end
“You won’t plummet to your death
This tunnel has a floor”
Then, without another word
He pushed Cloud out the door
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August 7th, 2009 by Wordsman
“Alert! Alert!” the speaker blared
“Security Type A!
Unident’fied passengers
Are on this train, I say!
“We’ll now conduct a thorough search”
The speaker once more blared
“What do we do?” Tifa asked
Cloud lied: “I am not scared”
Jessie came back to their car
Her face pale white was hued
Redundantly she blurted out
“We’re screwed! We’re screwed! We’re screwed!”
Barret rose without a sound
And quickly took command
“Calm down!” he said. “Just means we’ll jump
Sooner than we had planned”
“Lockdown!” the speaker announced
“Beginning with Car 1!”
Barret surveyed all his troops
“Well? Run, you bastards! Run!”
They barreled down the aisle
And the door they made it through
Just in time to hear the speaker:
“Now lock down Car 2!”
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July 31st, 2009 by Wordsman
“W-we jump off?” Cloud stuttered
As his voice timid became
Jumping on was one thing
Jumping off was not the same
“In a bit,” said Barret
“Just before the scanner’s run
Now sit down. Rest up while you can
This explanation’s done”
“Come here,” said Tifa, nudging Cloud
As Barret took a seat
“As long as we’ve got some free time
I’ll show you something neat”
Cloud’s face fell as monitor
Tifa reached out to touch
Why the hell did all the girls
Love that dumb screen so much?
Luckily young Cloud was saved
From map revisiting
Just then all the train’s alarms
Began to flash and ring
“Odd,” said Tifa, froze with shock
“The ID scan’s not yet
Maybe this is something else”
Said Cloud: “You wanna bet?”
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