May 15th, 2009 by Wordsman
Almost to the door was Cloud
The bridge all set to burn
When Tifa’s voice rang out with: “Wait!”
And forced the man to turn
“You can’t go, Cloud!” the girl exclaimed
“We need you really bad”
But working under Barret
Just made Cloud so effin’ mad
“I’d like to help you,” Cloud explained
“But this just ain’t my fight
Go find some noble hippie guy
He’ll get the job done right”
“I guess you did forget,” she said
“That promise that we made”
Cloud was intrigued; could this old promise
Help him to get laid?
“Refresh my mem’ry,” said suave Cloud
“I’d hate to have forgot
Though one thing you should know ‘bout me
Is I forget a lot”
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May 8th, 2009 by Wordsman
“Thanks but no thanks,” Cloud replied
“That doesn’t sound too great
And while we’re on the subject
Time to get a few things straight
“I don’t care about your cause
The planet? Meh, whatever
Will Shinra kill the planet? Sure
But it’ll take forever
“I’m in this for the money, friend
Mor’listically I roam
And if you just make fun of me
Screw you, I’m going home”
“Fine by me,” the big man said
“Don’t need your ugly mug
Since you love Shinra so damn much
Just go give them a hug”
As Cloud stormed out, Jess cried, “Wait! Stop!”
Perhaps with thoughts of wooing
“Juss let’im go,” drunk Wedge advised
“Yup. He know what he doing”
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May 1st, 2009 by Wordsman
His fun ruined, Cloud went below
To join up with the others
He really wasn’t wild about
This newfound band of brothers
“There’s Cloud! There’s Cloud!” cried Jessie
Like she might break into song
Barret only grumbled
“What took you so goddamn long?
“Now you’re here, I’ve got to know
Something I’m wond’ring ‘bout
Was anyone from SOLDIER there
When we took that place out?”
“Sh’yeah right,” Cloud scoffed, “You really
Let this one go to your head
If more like me had been there
You would all be freakin’ dead”
“Dead?” squealed Jess. “Wait, what?” said Biggs
Said Wedge, “Huh, who’d’a thunk?”
It really was quite obvious
That Wedge and Biggs were drunk
“Puh-leez,” said Barret, “I don’t think
That you’re really all that
Any time you wanna go
Come here; I’ll knock you flat”
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April 24th, 2009 by Wordsman
Cloud could not keep his eyes off
That white t-shirt, stretch’ed tight
Somewhere above, a voice said, “Cloud
You do recall me, right?”
“Well yeah, of course,” the blond man said
And this was . . . mostly true
“Tifa, how could I forget
A girl who looks like you?”
This response was not quite right
As Tifa’s face turned dour
Thinking quick, Cloud found his bag
Produced the single flower
“Oh, this is lovely!” Tifa cried
“My favorite color, blue”
Cloud lied, and said, “When purchasing
I thought of only you”
Cloud felt that things were going well
He’d get a kiss, or more
But then the shout of “Where’s that bum?”
Came from beneath the floor
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April 17th, 2009 by Wordsman
Eventu’lly the train got to
The slums of Sector 7
“Guys!” said Biggs, “Let’s hit the bar!
Its name is 7th Heaven”
Cloud would not be bossed around
From orders he was free
And so he wandered ‘round the town
But found not much to see
Cloud gave up quick, rejoined the group
Went to the liquor vendor
Regretted waiting when he saw
The smokin’ hot bartender
It must have been Cloud’s lucky day
He met sylph after sylph
And then a little girl ran by
Cloud thought, “Is she a MILF?”
As it turned out, she was not
The girl with Barret went
When they left, Cloud could contemplate
This beauty, heaven-sent
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April 10th, 2009 by Wordsman
The pack’ed train was silent
Speak up? No one would dare it
Especially after they saw
The raging form of Barret
So all the passengers ignored
This group of terr’rist pigs
Even AVALANCHE ignored
The useless Wedge and Biggs
“Look here, Cloud,” said Jessie
When of cars they’d reached the third
Cloud saw the screen and thought, “Oh great
I saved some giant nerd”
“This map shows Midgar,” Jessie said
“The sectors, one through eight
And all the pillars that support
The giant upper plate
“This is the path the train will take
As down from plate it goes”
Cloud looked out and just said, “Man
This lower city blows”
“Shut your mouth!” big Barret yelled
“The hell you think you know?
The people only stay here cuz
They’ve got no place to go
“All o’ this is Shinra’s fault!”
The big man went off ranting
“Yeah!” cried Jessie, eyes a-spark
Cloud’s praise she started chanting
“Really!” said Cloud “It’s okay
No need to laud my feats, uhh . . .”
Toward the window, Barret said
“I hate this effin’ pizza”
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April 3rd, 2009 by Wordsman
In the car, gloom settled
Like a suffocating shroud
AVALANCHE, well, some of them,
Well, one worried ‘bout Cloud
“Maybe he got captured”
Said young Jessie, quite on edge
“Maybe he just ditched us”
Said the realistic Wedge
Then suddenly, with just a knock
Cloud from above descended
He, with a grin, said, “I’ve arrived
Your waiting now has ended”
Jessie cheered “Hurrah! Hurrah!”
Then stopped, for fear of swooning
But there were some who thought Cloud’s show
Just overblown buffooning
“The hell was that for?” Barret yelled
“Are you effin’ insane?
Don’t you know the normal way
To get onto a train?
“Just get a seat!” he ordered
As he stormed off in a huff
“Don’t worry,” Jessie said to Cloud
“He’s really not that tough”
“Come on, Cloud,” said Jessie
As she seized the group’s new star
Leaving Biggs to wonder why
They had been in the cargo car
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March 27th, 2009 by Wordsman
At this point, Cloud, our hero
He was feeling pretty good
But then he ran into the guards
He should have knocked on wood
He tried to run, but he was trapped
In every last direction
Cloud really wished he knew the streets
Of Midgar’s upper section
“Did you know I was in SOLDIER?”
Asked our hero, sword a-glisten
He knew it would not be his fault
If they chose not to listen
“Sure,” scoffed one guard, “You’re so great
You look just like a bum
Let’s have an old-school street fight
At you, sir, I bite my thumb!”
Afterward, the guards were strewn
Throughout the alleyways
But Shinra had a jillion more
Could keep this up for days
Now ‘twas time for Cloud to say
“Let’s blow this pops’cle stand!”
Before he jumped, no one could know
That on a train he’d land
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March 20th, 2009 by Wordsman
People running, screaming, flailing
Midgar’s streets were all a-whirl
Cloud cut through the crowds quite deftly
‘Fore he ran into a girl
“What are you doing out?” she asked
“At this most dang’rous hour?
Reactor blown, the guards in force
And would you like a flower?”
Cloud had a pollen allergy
And guards ran to and fro
But this girl was quite the looker
So he couldn’t just say no
He took the flow’r, and Cloud checked out
His beauty, toe to head
He wanted to stare longer
But the guards wanted him dead
“I’ve gotta run!” Cloud told the girl
“And you should really hide
There’s, um, leaks from that explosion
You should prob’ly stay inside”
Before the girl could say a thing
Cloud bolted at great rate
He never stopped to wonder
If the meeting had been fate
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March 13th, 2009 by Wordsman
The scorpion shook, the men had won
They danced, they cried “Woo hoo!”
And then they saw ten minutes left
Until the whole place blew
They raced back up the ladders
While the seconds ticked away
And as they were about to leave
A plaintive voice said, “Stay”
Cloud turned around, and then he saw
‘Twas Jessie; she was stuck
He grumbled as he ran back
And he said, “Of all the luck . . .”
With Jessie free the band took off
It was down to the wire
They got out in the nick of time
Sky filled with mushroom fire
“Good job,” conceded Barret
His broad face filled with elation
“Now split up! Don’t let none suspect
And meet back at the station”
Cloud tried in vain to stop them
All he wanted was his pay
Then he reluctantly went toward
The nearest alleyway
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